Rob Roy Maltsters – Single Malt Whisky Club

The Rob Roy Maltsters single malt whisky club first met on Wednesday 1st October 1986 at the Earl of Zetland Hotel (Corner of Flinders Street and Gawler Place). Twelve people attended the first meeting including current members David Le Cornu and Steven Matthews.

David Le Cornu and Steven Matthews assisted in the formation of the club which drew its membership from very diverse backgrounds,  but people who were interested in tasting single malt whisky sourced from the Rob Roy Hotel.

The lack of common career background was and still is one of the greatest strengths of the club. The club moved its meeting venue to the Rob Roy Hotel on 5th August 1987 (11th Meeting). We continued to meet there until a change of ownership in 1989 saw the club return to the Earl of Zetland Hotel on 3rd May 1989 (30th Meeting).

The club moved across the road to Earls Tavern when the original Earl of Zetland Hotel was demolished and remained there until a change of ownership in 2002. The club then moved its meetings to the Saracens Head in Carrington Street in January 2003, but this only lasted a short while.

The club was forced to temporarily relocate to David Baker’s Board Room in Flinders Street until a more permanent venue could be found. On 3rd March 2004 (Meeting 208) the club had its first meeting at the Navy, Military and Air Force Club where we still remain today.

After 35 years this club is still going strong with 18 regular members attending our meetings each month.

One of the benefits of our tastings is that from time to time we also taste some not so great whiskies and although not always an experience one relishes it does save you the pain of purchasing a bottle of the said whisky and finding you have wasted your money (some Aussie malts spring to my mind).

Twenty five years on from when I attended the very first meeting of the Rob Roy Malsters, I can honestly say I still look forward to our meetings on the first Wednesday of the month. I look forward to continuing the malts, merriment and mateship into the future.

Steven Matthews, Founding Member, 25th Anniversary

Current Officers (2024)

Name Title
Don Angus Laird
Stuart Hardwicke Laird of Vice
Daniel Longstaff General Manager, Scribe
David Baker Chancellor of the Exchequer
Sean Welch Under Treasurer
Steven Matthews Senior Member
David Le Cornu Whisky Advisor