Championship or Event
Last Minute Preparation
By now you should have memorised most of your notes on the whisky’s master list given to you by the organisers and most important have completed a tasting regime with other club members (get together at least four or five times to taste and discuss all of the whisky’s on the list provided by the organisers). Now study all previous classification notes gained through this process, go sit in the corner away from all distractions, usually young children, family pets etc. go find a deserted island if possible (as if).
On the Day of the Event
Be sure not to taste any whisky prior to the event, eat no curries or overly spiced food until you have finished the event, personally I would drink only water and light foods on the day. Some advocate a small beer, whatever you find comfortable with. Another point the organisers will use different sizes and types of glassware if you know of this or if you have to bring your own glasses be sure to do your group tastings in the same glassware.
Good Luck,
Roger Gillard